Friday, February 29, 2008

I've caught an awful cold today!
We have guests and I was planning to watch "Sweeney Todd" with them but I happen to hardly be able to open my eyes! I stayed in bed for hours; I was worried that I would get a heatstroke under the quilts! :P

I went driving with our own car yesterday, it was much easier than what I thought, I imagined that since I've trained with a Pride, the other cars would take a while to get used to but I was wrong! It takes me hours to get to university and I wasn't thinking about taking our own car because it's too luxurious and I don't want to seem different from others and in fact I like hanging around with my classmates unlike past years but at the same time I have no time to waste and truly, this economic way of transportation is really a waste of time even if I'm with friends!! I assume that from next term I'd come with our car! It was my mom's idea...
I love luxury but I do my best to control it but I'm not gonna pass one third of my life sleeping, one third eating and another third in taxis or buses!!
Tehran sucks!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

GhOoR gHoOr ---> That's my Ringtone

چند روز پیش همش زنگ میزد به مبایلم و با "محدثه" کار داشت. یه پسر جوون بود، شایدم یه مرد پیر که صداش جوون بود...

گفتم اشتباه گرفتید!

2-3 بار دوباره زنگ زد، شماره رو پرسیدم، درست می گرفت!


- این شماره به شما واگذار شده؟


-جدید گرفتید؟


-شما خونتون طرف های سعادت آباد اینهاست؟



آخرش در کمال نا امیدی گفت:

- پس من این همه مدت با کی حرف میزدم؟

- [ترکیدم از خنده] – [مقداد بعداً پیشنهاد داد که بگم:"شاید من شخصیت­های مختلف دارم، چند ساعت دیگه زنگ بزنید شاید اونی که دتبالشید گوشی رو برداشت!"]

آخرش به خنده بهش گفتم که "متاسفم" !

بیچاره پکر شده بود!

وقتی گفتم "خدا نگهدار"، گفت:"goodbye" !