Tuesday, January 29, 2008

True love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about and few have seen

At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.

So true :)

Saturday, January 19, 2008


هر چند که پارسا نیم اما نوشته ام
بر لوح دل محبت مردان پارسا

Thursday, January 17, 2008

عاشورا. دكتر علی شريعتي

در عجبم از مردمي که خود زير شلاق ظلم و ستم زندگي مي کنند، و بر حسيني مي گريند که آزادانه زيست


حسين بيشتر از آب،تشنه لبيك بود .
اما افسوس كه به جاي افكارش،
زخمهاي تنش را نشانمان دادند ،و بزرگترين درد او را بي آبي معرفي كردند

Saturday, January 05, 2008

لعنت به من


حافظا تکیه بر ایام چو سهوست و خطا

من چرا عشرت امروز به فردا فکنم

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Bored too easily

I have the most interesting and successful life a young girl in my age can have but despite this active life I'm feeling old and slow.
I think it would be wise to take one term off from uni and lay back in my beautiful room watching my parrots caress each other; Or maybe I should take as much lessons as I can so I wouldn't have time to think about mankind's pointless life; specially after eye witnessing a middle aged man commit suicide in the metro I've been wandering more about studying Philo and forgetting Law.