Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Bored too easily

I have the most interesting and successful life a young girl in my age can have but despite this active life I'm feeling old and slow.
I think it would be wise to take one term off from uni and lay back in my beautiful room watching my parrots caress each other; Or maybe I should take as much lessons as I can so I wouldn't have time to think about mankind's pointless life; specially after eye witnessing a middle aged man commit suicide in the metro I've been wandering more about studying Philo and forgetting Law.


Anonymous said...

first of all,glad 2 find your logs.
second of all!!, you've a common symptom,there are many like you,includin me myself! the drug which I prescribe for atleast myself is somethin you've already mentioned. becomming more and more busy in such a way that nomore time remains for thinking!

Ocean said...

Don't take break from school. You will regret it. Exercise and take enough classes, not too many though that will make you exusted and less motivatated!

Take care

Anonymous said...

Oh belakhare bargashti az bas chizi nemineveshti modati bood be webloget sar nemizadam.

mayra said...

Yes !I know ,the enjoyment of them is more important and now I'm here just to enjoye of life because of myself and try to do it.Thanks for your comment and
Good luck:)